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Cuz who starts a countdown at 10 in 2020?

We’ve got no time. No time to wait.

Would you challenge yourself to watch your browser load without refreshing your page?

The pain is real.

Self checkout cashiers saves our sanity, or we’d really need to wait that whole line to pay?

And just how great are call back systems?

Image having to hold that phone line for your queue.

I know I’d rather forgo my Verizon issue than having to do that.

When Amazon Prime didn’t suffice, we got Amazon Now.

When ready dough didn’t do, we got ready formed chocolate chip cookie dough.

It’s instant soup, microwaved popcorn, and precut vegetables.

While a car starter is no luxury, Instacart is a necessity.

I’ve read that Create your own salad is no big seller, since they’ve got the Grab n Go.

How brilliant this generation has become!

Then why, why when it comes to something of such great value, are we forced to wait?

Family photos is of great importance. And we at Photoholic know that. That is why, we have a commitment to you.

No more waiting.

Don’t go through the agonizing process of waiting to see your precious photos.

Hence, we have a promise to you-

Your favorite image will be delivered to your inbox within 24 hours of your photoshoot.

Because you want it, and you want it now.

Book your session and be ready to enjoy them instantly!

Kids- when they’re young, you want to eat them up. When they’re grown, you regret you didn’t.

Ok, I know not you and I . Our kids are just perfect angels. Proper behavior, soft tones,immaculate clothing, and never forget their please and thank yous.

But sometimes, just sometimes, they seem to forget how perfect they are, and start showing signs of something I like to call-kids.

But hey world, I can prove it. I can prove how adorable my kids really are, because I’ve got photos. Lots and lots of photos.

Photos that scream personality more than just cheese.

Prints where eyes shine with character stronger than the glossy finish.

It’s when you take each moment, and turn it into a perfect moment.

For it’s always the right time to snap a photo.

Allow them to do their silly giggles or goofy poses.

Each kid, each image, perfection in it’s own way.

Life has proven that perfection is irrelevant.

Perfect policies don't make our nation whole.

Perfect business deals don't generate wholesome happiness.

Perfect diets don't restore our image.

Can we conclude that perfect is a frame of mind?

When we seize each moment, and resolve to turn it into a happy memory, the clothes the children wear won't matter that much, the location we shoot at won't either. What will matter is the way we got them to be their very best selves. Oh the results you can expect. Flipping the album pages will make you feel warm in the inside, not believing you actually pulled it off without bribery or even worse, threats.

Perhaps that’s what inspired me to take my hobby and turn it into an obsession to photography; Thus dubbing myself a Photoholic.

Capturing youth in it’s purest form.

Perfection redefined.

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